Diablo 2 Enhanced Edition - Public Releases
Download the latest public release of the Enhanced Edition for Diablo 2
2 files
D2EE vT-5.1 (Cactus/D2SE)
By Mike
Revision: TAINTED-5.1 (pre-alpha)
Available launch options:
1. As a D2SE mod
Important: D2SE requires 1.13c game files or older for compatibility!
Installation instructions: D2SE Mod Manager at ModDB.com
You need to place the extracted D2EE vT-5.1 directory inside the MODS folder.
D2EE vT-5.1 should then become available in the mod manager.
2. As a Cactus platform
Follow the Installation Instructions from Cactus repository: https://codeberg.org/fearedbliss/Cactus
You need to place the extracted D2EE vT-5.1 directory inside the Platforms folder and follow the 'Adding/Running A Platform' section.
In the 'Add Entry' window, you need to enter the Platform name (name of the directory you placed inside Platforms), optionally a Label of any kind, put Game.exe in the Launcher field and then add -direct in Flags.
You then need to hit Launch in the main Cactus window. Cactus will place the D2EE files in your Diablo II folder and attempt to launch. But the game most likely won't launch if you haven't run D2VidTst.exe on your system, so if that's the case, you'll need to navigate to your Diablo II directory and run D2VidTst.exe, selecting Glide render.
After you've configured D2VidTst, the Launch button in Cactus should correctly launch the game.
Terms & disclaimer:
ReShade Preset (deprecated)
By Mike
Note: it's no longer recommended to use this ReShade preset.
ReShade is a generic post-processing injector for games and video software developed by crosire.
For the preset to work correctly, ensure you have the following shaders installed:
AdaptiveSharpen.fx Bloom.fx Clarity.fx FilmicPass.fx LevelsPlus.fx Technicolor.fx UIMask.fx Vignette.fx Comic.fx ArcaneBloom.fx426 downloads