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Diablo 2 Enhanced Edition - Public Releases

Download the latest public release of the Enhanced Edition for Diablo 2

2 files

  1. D2EE vT-5 (Cactus/D2SE)

    Revision: TAINTED-5 (pre-alpha)
    (release notes and installation instructions will be provided later)



  2. ReShade Preset (deprecated)

    Note: it's no longer recommended to use this ReShade preset.
    ReShade is a generic post-processing injector for games and video software developed by crosire.
    For the preset to work correctly, ensure you have the following shaders installed:
    AdaptiveSharpen.fx Bloom.fx Clarity.fx FilmicPass.fx LevelsPlus.fx Technicolor.fx UIMask.fx Vignette.fx Comic.fx ArcaneBloom.fx



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